Dean Morgan Middle School

Phone: (307) 253-2500
Principal: Clay Cates
Assistant Principals: Scott Rickabaugh
Administrative Manager: Dave Brunner
Office Manager: Paula Strong
Address: 1440 S. Elm St., Casper, 82601
“Dean Morgan Middle School will challenge, support, and empower all learners on their journey to become productive global citizens.”
Vision: Building a Culture of Excellence!
Dean Morgan School uses the “Eight Keys of Excellence” to support character education with the goal of empowering all learners and addressing the needs of the whole child. The school has maintained a long tradition of excellence while focusing on preparing students to be successful citizens. Families, students, and staff members are encouraged to actively participate in the operation of the school through the Comet Parent Group and through participation in school events. Dean Morgan’s schedule is an alternating block schedule, with "Red Days" and "Black Days", creating more opportunities for students to enroll in different courses each semester with longer instructional blocks of learning time. Dean Morgan commits time daily to school-wide systems of intervention and enrichment, meeting the needs of students in a targeted, timely and data-driven manner through our ASPIRE time. Visible and accessible staff, a variety of counseling services, academic intervention and enrichment, and character education principles create a sense of purpose and unity within our learning community. Furthermore, Dean Morgan builds an environment conducive to meaningful learning, school-wide diversity, safety, proactive communication, and healthy lifestyles.
(Required Core-Required Electives – Tutoring Courses – Advanced Courses – Dual Language Immersion)
At Dean Morgan, students are required to enroll in core subjects including math, reading, language arts, and social studies. Additionally required electives include physical education. Differentiated levels of classes support students performing below, at, and above grade level in core subjects. Depending on student need, students may have tutoring support in math and reading or they may enroll in advanced courses in math, English-Language Arts (ELA), science, and social studies. Placement in advanced courses is dependent upon assessment results and historical academic success in one or more areas. Our Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program is also available for student enrichment.
Students may enroll in a variety of elective courses including, but not limited to: American Sign Language (ASL), Art, Band, Choir, Cultural Studies, Digital Photography, Drafting, Family and Consumer Science, Guitar, Healthy Choices, Leadership, Manufacturing, Orchestra, Piano, Robotics, Spanish, Technology, Videography, and Woodshop.
During the school day, students are given the opportunity to receive intervention and enrichment through our ASPIRE time. ASPIRE stands for "All Students Practicing Integrity and Responsibility Everyday." Each Monday, students work with an assigned ASPIRE coach to determine their individual needs for intervention and enrichment for the remainder of the week. Our ASPIRE time assists students in their comprehension of course material, completing work due to absences, and in providing engaging opportunities for enrichment.
Activities & Clubs
Some of our opportunities are year-long such as Morgan Jazz Band, Morgan Mentors, Morgan Singers, and Yearbook. Other opportunities are short-term such as First Lego League Robotics Competition, Deaf Expressive Arts Festival (D.E.A.F.), American Sign Language (ASL) Sign Fest, Book Clubs, Gear Up, and Geography Bee. Students are also able to share their interests by suggesting new clubs for Dean Morgan.
Athletic teams at Dean Morgan include: Basketball, Cross-Country, Football, Golf, Nordic Skiing, Soccer, Swimming, Track and Field, Volleyball, and Wrestling.
Classes at Dean Morgan start at 8:00 a.m. and conclude at 2:45 p.m. Activities, Clubs, and Athletics are available before, during and after school. Boys’ and Girls’ Club, and Gear Up also partner with Dean Morgan to provide after school supervision and activities for our students.