Human Resources » Professional Development

Professional Development

NCSD offers a wide variety of professional development opportunities for employees to help them learn and grow professionally. All schools develop and submit annual Professional Development plans for their sites. NCSD offers additional learning opportunities such as new employee orientation, new faculty mentoring, ongoing professional learning, compliance training, and training such as Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) training, CPR/AED, and OSHA. In addition, some of these opportunities are offered for Professional Teaching Standards Board (PTSB) and/or enrichment credit.

Professional Learning Courses and Training

NCSD courses and trainings are listed on Professional Learning through Clever, and participants must register online.
Please visit our Online Course Catalog through Professional Learning and log in with your Active Directory information (Google login) for trainings (CPI, CPR, AED, OSHA, etc.) as well as course offerings in NCSD. If you need help on how to use the catalog to enroll please read here.

Opportunities for Professional Development 


District Mentoring

The district offers a three-year mentoring program in support of new certified faculty. For details and content related to the NCSD Mentoring Program please visit the NCSD Mentors website here.