Curriculum & Instruction » Grants


If a NCSD employee is considering applying for a grant please follow Standard Operating Procedure 3100.

Consolidated Grant Summary by Title Area

Title I provides additional educational opportunities in schools with a high concentration of children from low-income families. The intent is to help children meet the same high standards that all children are expected to achieve.
Title I D Funds are awarded to LEAs with high proportions of youths in local correctional facilities to support dropout prevention programs for at-risk youths. Provides support for neglected and delinquent students including:" REACH High staff, diversion officer suspension lab, Personal and Social Responsibility Classes, Tutoring of troubled youth, dropout prevention and tracking students on probation for school enrollment and achievement. 
Title IIA Funds are awarded to LEA's to increase academic achievement by improving teacher and principal quality. Funds are used to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers and principals and provide professional development opportunities 
Title III-English Language Learners Provides support to ensure that students with Limited English Proficiency meet the same high standards that all children are expected to achieve. 
Title IV - Student Support and Academic Enrichment Provides support to improve students' academic achievement by increasing the capacity of States, local educational agencies, schools, and local communities. 
Title VIB IDEA-611 (Special Education) Provides training and support of both regular and special education staff to target needs of students with disabilities, identify children with suspected disabilities, and develop and implement transition programs for students with disabilities who are 16 and older. 
Title VIB IDEA-619 (Special Education) Provides funds for required child find obligations for children 3-5 years of age. 
Perkins (Vocal Education) Funds are awarded to LEA's to support high quality career and technical education programs, including staff development.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Funds are awarded to provide preschool programs for economically disadvantaged students. 
McKinney Vento (Homeless) Funds are awarded to LEA's to help ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as other children and youth. 


Angie Hayes
(307) 253-5445