Pre-Service Program (Observations, Practicum, Student Teaching, etc.)
The Natrona County School District partners with the University of Wyoming and other institutions as a site for pre-service teachers and other occupations preparing to enter the profession. We believe that providing an exceptional experience for pre-service teachers, OTs, PTs, SLPs, counselors, social workers, etc., will enable us to develop and identify talented professionals for our classrooms and schools. We further believe that the district will profit substantially from the development and maintenance of positive relations with teacher and other school-based professionals preparation programs throughout the state, region, and nation.
About the Pre-Service Program
Pre-Service Placement Request Form
Please complete the Pre-Service Placement Request Form (link) as well as the Pre-Service Student Independent Contractor Confidentiality Agreement below if you wish to request placement in Natrona County School District to complete your pre-service requirements (i.e.observations hours, practicum hours, internship or student teaching residency).Your request will be reviewed, and a determination of placement will be forthcoming. Please do not contact the school personnel directly until your placement request has been approved.
Please have your University Placement Supervisor contact Natrona County School District #1 with University placement request verification:
Please complete the Pre-Service Placement Request Form (link) as well as the Pre-Service Student Independent Contractor Confidentiality Agreement below if you wish to request placement in Natrona County School District to complete your pre-service requirements (i.e.observations hours, practicum hours, internship or student teaching residency).Your request will be reviewed, and a determination of placement will be forthcoming. Please do not contact the school personnel directly until your placement request has been approved.
Please have your University Placement Supervisor contact Natrona County School District #1 with University placement request verification:
NCSD Pre-Service Placement Contact:
phone: 307-253-5455
The following documents must be secured by the student prior to entering a Natrona County school building in any phase of their study. A copy of the documentation must be on file with the Director of Human Resources at least two weeks before the residency begins. These documents include:
Pre-Service Placement Requirements
The following documents must be secured by the student prior to entering a Natrona County school building in any phase of their study. A copy of the documentation must be on file with the Director of Human Resources at least two weeks before the residency begins. These documents include:
- Fingerprinting
- Background Check
- Substitute Permit (if the pre-service teacher is in the full residency phase)
- Hired as an NCSD certified substitute before the full residency (student teaching) begins
If there is any questionable history, unusual circumstances, or suspect behavior surrounding the prospective pre-service teacher or other school-based professionals, it should be reported to the Director of Human Resources, as it has the potential of placing the district at risk.
Once the Pre-Service Teacher or other school-based professional is placed in Natrona County School District, they will be required to attend an in-service. This in-service will take place within the first month of the placement. An ID badge must be worn at all times.
Institutions Wishing to Place a Pre-Service Teacher or Other Professional PositionIn all cases, the first contact must be with the Director of Human Resources. That person will notify the appropriate personnel of the institution’s request to place a pre-service teacher or other school-based professionals in the district.
The Director of Human Resources will collaborate with the appropriate personnel for the placement of all pre-service teachers and other school-based professionals in schools with mentor teachers/professionals. The district reserves the right to supervise all placements and to determine alternative placement when deemed necessary and beneficial. The placement of all pre-service teachers and other school-based professionals at all phases of their study will be done in collaboration with the Director of Human Resources.
Placement of out-of-state Pre-Service Teachers and other school-based professionals will be done on a case-by-case basis, depending on availability at the grade level and/or subject area requested. Placements will be made in collaboration with the building administrators through the Director of Human Resources.
In the case that an institution does not provide its own or does not provide acceptable supervision for the pre-service teacher or other school-based professionals, the Director of Human Resources will coordinate the assignment of a supervisor for the pre-service teacher or other school-based professionals.
Mentor Criteria Selection
At all phases of their pre-service education, pre-service teachers or other school-based professionals will be placed with mentors who are considered to be master teachers/professionals. The mentors should have fulfilled the following criteria:
- Have achieved a continuing contract in NCSD
- Be willing to perform evaluations as directed by the educational institution
- Have permission from building principal
- Be endorsed in their content area or grade level
Please have your University Placement Supervisor contact Natrona County School District #1 with University placement request verification:
phone: 307-253-5455
phone: 307-253-5455