Curriculum & Instruction » Primary Learning Resource Adoption

Primary Learning Resource Adoption

Natrona County School District is establishing an aligned, articulated and assessed curriculum, commonly referred to as a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum, in all Wyoming Content & Performance Standard Areas.  This work is reviewed and updated according to the NCSD Long Range Plan timeline by Subject Area Committees (SAC), composed of members from various schools and grade levels throughout the district. In addition to NCSD's Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum, NCSD ensures that all students have access to high-quality Primary Learning Resources that support content area curriculum and instruction at all grade levels (K-12). All schools can adopt a Core Primary Learning Resource from the district's approved content area lists to implement for all students.
Our district's Primary Learning Resources Adoption Dollars are responsible for purchasing every child's core curriculum resources. Funding is distributed equitably throughout the district by aligning all school dollar allocations to per-pupil expenditure (number of students enrolled). Any additional curriculum resources needed for programs such as Gifted and Talented, Advanced Kindergarten, Classic Kindergarten, BASE, FLS, ILS, MTSS, or Special Education must align to the specific program's specifications, support NCSD's Curriculum Learning outcomes, and also allocated according to the individual school's enrollment in the specific program (per-pupil expenditure) and may be funded with additional sources (i.e., school's general funds) when needed. Federal programs & grants also support Title I, Title III, Tutoring, Gifted and Talented, and Special Education in purchasing supplemental materials through program directors' approval.
The resource adoption process follows NCSD's Administrative Regulation 6232: Learning Resource Selection Process, which begins for each content area in Year 3 of the NCSD Long Range Plan's identified content area. Each content area follows an initial resource selection process that includes the collection of materials, review of materials, and an open public comment/community review period. The completion of the first phase happens upon the Board of Trustee approval of the SAC's resource recommendations. The board-approved sample resources are then made available through the Primary Resource School Preview Process for the duration of the adoption cycle.
Content Area(s) with an Open Adoption Process 
Content Area(s) undergoing Primary Resource Selection Process
(May 2022 - December 2023)
Computer Science
(May 2023 - December 2024)
*The Approved Resource links contain all the timelines and names of the materials reviewed and approved by the NCSD Board of Trustees. In addition, all evaluations done by the Subject Area Committee are included and organized by grade levels.
For more information contact:
Dr. Julie Jarvis, Ed.D.
Director of Teaching & Learning
(307) 253-5200