About Us » Welcome from Superintendent Hensley

Welcome from Superintendent Hensley

Welcome to the Natrona County School District!

It is with great honor and excitement that I welcome you to the 2024-2025 School Year. 
At NCSD, we are focused and committed to guiding, encouraging, and serving all students as they grow and excel in their journey toward achieving academic excellence.
We believe in the importance of setting strategic goals to focus our actions for continued educational excellence in Natrona County. High Expectations, Leading in Literacy, Planning With Purpose, Safe & Healthy Environments, and Effective and Efficient Operations are at the forefront of our strategic goals and serve as the foundation for our work and comprehensive Strategic Plan. Through measured steps of improvement and purposeful planning, we are dedicated to providing exceptional environments for students and staff to reach their highest potential.
We are committed to a collaborative atmosphere dedicated to serving the best interests of all students and staff. School families and community members are integral to reaching our shared goal of academic success for every student. We believe prioritizing high expectations, integrity, communication, and collaborative relationships with all stakeholders promotes a positive culture and strengthens our collective community commitment to educational excellence in Natrona County.
Throughout the year, there will be countless moments of educational excellence. These are not only achievements, but they are the stepping stones to our collective success. We encourage you to celebrate these moments, as they truly reflect the great work happening each day across the district and inspire us to strive for continued excellence.
We aim to continuously inform, engage, and connect with all stakeholders through high-level communication, marketing, design of creative content, and strategic audience engagement. 
Keep up to date on news and important NCSD information by checking the main page of this website, signing up for our Community Newsletter, and following us on social media. In addition, you can share your thoughts and feedback at any time by calling my office or e-mailing [email protected]
We are incredibly grateful for our extraordinary students, staff, school families, Board of Trustees, and community members for their commitment to excellence for all. Thank you!
Superintendent Hensley