Parents / Students » Dress Code

Dress Code

Board Policy 5375
 Dress Code Guidelines chartThe Natrona County School District believes the way you look and speak affects your behavior and academic performance. The intent is to create a culture in schools where the focus is learning.
The attached picture guidelines (left) support this effort.
Students: Students will be referred to an administrator to secure acceptable clothing should their dress not comply. Parents or guardians will be contacted.
Staff: As role models, all staff shall dress in a manner that clearly distinguishes them as professionals, is appropriate for their particular job assignments, and their daily responsibilities. T-shirts and jeans are not considered professional dress, unless designated by their administrator. Casual attire may be worn when school is not in session, on casual Fridays, and “spirit days”.
The use of profanity, vulgarity, put-downs, or name-calling is inappropriate.
Administrative Regulation 5375
The use of profanity, vulgarity, putdowns, or name-calling by students or staff is inappropriate, not acceptable and may result in disciplinary actions.
Student Dress  (Also addressed in Administrative Regulation Code 5370)
Primary responsibility for appropriate dress and appearance rests with the student and his/her parent or guardian. Students shall not wear clothing that, in the judgment of the school personnel, constitutes a health or safety hazard, is destructive to school property, or is distracting or disruptive to the educational process. Student dress that is obscene, immodest, indecent, or lewd shall not be tolerated. Appropriate and reasonable accommodations are allowable based on individual student needs as determined by the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Team. The reasonable and appropriate accommodations must be documented in said plans. Special exceptions will be reviewed for religious reasons per board policy and/or state and federal laws.
In the interest of maintaining a positive learning environment, the following regulations of student dress shall be in effect:
Outerwear: Coats, jackets, or gloves shall not be worn inside school classrooms without the consent of school personnel. Shoes shall be worn for health and safety reasons. Shoes that are unsafe, disruptive, or destructive to school property are not allowed. Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times. Slippers are not allowed.
Logos: Logos, printed statements, or pictures upon student attire which are, immoral, sexually suggestive, disruptive, obscene, encourage defiance or disrespect of authority are prohibited. Attire advertising drug, alcohol or tobacco products is also prohibited.
Miscellaneous: Clothing such as tube tops, halter-tops, see-through/sheer garments, spaghetti strap shirts, fishnet tops, low-cut tops, clothing allowing a bare midriff, shorts in poor repair, short shorts, and tight-fitting shorts or sleepwear shall not be worn. Shorts and skirts must be no shorter than mid-thigh. All pants, shorts, and skirts must be worn no lower than the hips, no sagging or undergarments showing. Tights or leggings must be worn with a shirt, blouse, or tunic that is long enough to cover one’s behind. Hats, caps, bandannas, sweatbands, sunglasses, chains, dog collars, and sharp objects are not to be worn in the school.
Special Activities: Designated dress may be required for students participating in special activities. The sponsor of the activity shall meet with the administrator to determine appropriate dress for participants. The administrator, following board policy and administrative regulations, has final approval for all uniforms.
Procedures: When a student wears clothing that does not comply with expectations he/she will be directed to take corrective actions including:
  1. Removing the unacceptable item;
  2. Changing into acceptable clothing;
  3. Reversing the article so that the offensive logo does not appear;
  4. Covering unacceptable garment with acceptable clothing;
  5. Adjusting garment so clothing meets regulation.
If the student fails to remedy the problem the parent or guardian shall be notified to bring appropriate clothing or to take the student home. Repeated violations will be addressed as insubordination and will result in further consequences as described in the NCSD #1 Student Behavior Framework and Conduct Handbook.
Student dress shall be communicated annually prior to October 1st or within the first five days of a student’s enrollment at a school (for students who enroll after the start of the school year). Also, student dress shall be included in the NCSD No. 1 Student/Parent Handbook.
Staff Dress
Employees shall dress in a manner that promotes a professional image. As role models, all staff shall dress in a manner that clearly distinguishes them as professionals and is appropriate for their particular job assignments and/or responsibilities. T-shirts and jeans are not considered professional dress unless designated by the administrator. Casual attire may be worn when school is not in session, on casual Fridays, and “spirit days”.
It is the expectation of Natrona County School District to have consistency in the enforcement of Board Policies and Administrative Regulations. Special exceptions will be reviewed for religious or medical reasons per board policy, state and federal laws.
Using the guidelines outlined below, the administrator/supervisor at each school or work-site will establish clear expectations and standards for professional dress and will review them annually prior to or within the first five days of school or within the first five days of a staff member’s employment with NCSD.
Guidelines below are to be used in establishing school or work-site expectations and standards:
  • At a minimum, staff dress must comply with all expectations of student dress.
  • Clothing must fit appropriately, is not to be torn or overly faded and does not show signs of excessive wear.
  • T-shirts and jeans are not considered professional dress unless designated by their administrator/manager.
  • Tights or leggings must be worn with a shirt, blouse, or tunic that is long enough to cover one’s behind
  • NCSD #1 Employees covered by Workers’ Compensation shall not wear shorts.
  • NCSD #1 employees covered by Workers’ Compensation and exposed to workplace hazards will wear full-length pants
The employee and his/her principal or supervisor shall address issues that, in the judgment of the principal/supervisor, do not conform to this dress code. Repeated violations or refusal to comply with the directions of the principal/supervisor by an employee will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.