Assessment & Testing Info for Parents » Assessment


NCSD Strategic goals 2 & 3 focus on student achievement as measured by multiple assessments. The Office of Assessment and Research collects, organizes, analyzes, and reports data from district and state assessments, as well as other measures, to support school and program improvement and public accountability. 
The Wyoming Test of Proficiency and Progress (WY-TOPP) is a system of interim, modular on-demand, and summative assessments in English language arts, writing, mathematics, and science.
  • The WY-TOPP interim assessments in reading and mathematics are available optionally by school in Natrona Schools in fall for grades 3-10, in winter for grades 3-10. 
  • In spring, the interim reading and math assessments are available optionally by school for grades K-2.
  • The WY-TOPP science assessment is administered in spring to grades 4, 8, and 10.
  • The WY-TOPP writing assessment is administered in grades 3, 5, 7, and 9.
  • The WY-TOPP summative assessments are administered late spring in grades 3-10.
The WY-Alternate (WY-ALT) is given once a year to students working on extended standards in grades 3-10 in English Language Arts and mathematics and in grades 4 and 8 in science.
The ACT Plus Writing Test is the capstone of the ACT College and Career Readiness System. It measures students’ general learning outcomes in English, math, reading, writing, and science. This assessment is given once a year to all students in grade 11. ACT data is used to qualify students for the Hathaway Scholarship Program.
Wyoming law requires the University of Wyoming and the Community College Commission to coordinate recruitment and retention incentives for students graduating from Wyoming secondary schools.  Prior to taking the ACT, students complete the pre-test survey. This information is provided by WDE to Wyoming post-secondary institutions.  The pre-test survey questions are optional and can be reviewed by parents prior to the testing window.  Please contact your child’s school directly for more information or to review the survey items.
WorkKeys is an optional assessment for students in grades 11 and 12. It is used to assess a student’s job skills.
English Proficiency Assessments
The Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State (ACCESS test) for English Language Learners (ELLs) is required once a year for all K-12 students who are English language learners. The test measures students’ progress in attaining English proficiency. An alternate ACCESS is also available for English language learners who are working on extended standards.
Parents/Guardians of Homeschool Students
For homeschool students who would like to participate in the spring WY-TOPP or ACT testing, please review the District Board of Trustees policy on Home-Based Education. This link contains an application to be completed and returned to Student Support Services no later than January 1st of each year


For more information, contact:
Director of Research and Assessment
(307) 253-5221