Assessment & Testing Info for Parents » Educational Research & Survey Requests

Educational Research & Survey Requests

The central focus of NCSD is student learning. Limiting interruptions to instructional time is important and helps to support quality instruction and student learning. While NCSD is committed to the advancement of educational research, the quantity of external research projects proposed to the District is larger than what the District can accommodate. Additionally, only projects proposed that are consistent with the District's vision, mission, strategic plan, and/or are grounded in a valid research design will be considered for approval.
Research Priorities
  • to protect staff and students' time from unauthorized or excessive data collection
  • to protect NCSD employees' and students' privacy
  • to uphold laws and regulation governing privacy
  • to protect human subjects
  • to improve and innovate
Research and Survey Requests (Internal and External) 
Prior to request permission to conduct research or a survey in NCSD #1, please review information found in this link to NCSD Standard Operating Procedure 6300.
To request to conduct educational research in NCSD #1, the research application process and required documents are found at this link.  Please email required paperwork to [email protected].
The request to conduct an educational survey in NCSD #1, the link to survey requests can be found here. Please email required paperwork to [email protected].