Public Relations » NCSD Social Media Guidelines

NCSD Social Media Guidelines

NCSD is committed to clear, informative, timely, and ongoing communication; we understand that maintaining a two-way conversation with our students, staff, parents, and community is essential for building relationships and ensuring educational excellence in Natrona County.
NCSD's Public Relations Department utilizes various strategic communication platforms to share important information, District updates, and celebrations throughout the year. We aim to continuously inform, engage, and connect while providing timely, accurate, and effective communication with all internal and external stakeholders.
We welcome you to follow along with the Natrona County School District through our Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram channels.
The purpose of these social media channels is to share information about NCSD and the progress we are making toward our strategic plan; promote and raise awareness of district operations; and providing engaging and informative information with parents, students, employees, and community members.
NCSD’s social media channels are NOT monitored 24/7. If you have a question that needs prompt attention, please directly contact NCSD Central Services at 253-5200 or the specific school that applies to your question.
Stakeholder comments expressed on NCSD social network sites do not necessarily reflect the opinions and position of the Natrona County School District. If you have any questions concerning the operation of these social media channels, please contact the NCSD Public Relations Department.
NCSD reserves the right to manage and moderate the content and comments on all of our social media sites.
The Natrona County School District encourages interactions through comments on posts but reserves the right to remove comments (and possibly ban users) for the following reasons:
  • Profane or inflammatory language
  • Any other explicit, threatening, obscene, vulgar, or inappropriate language or imagery
  • Represent personal attacks of any kind or defame individuals, businesses, or organizations
  • The comment is off-topic from the post
  • Target or disparage any civic, ethnic, racial, or religious group
  • Are spam or trolling
  • Advocate illegal activity or violence
  • Advertise for-profit services/products, or political organizations
  • Infringe on copyrights or trademarks
  • Provide misleading or false information
  • Do not show consideration for others' privacy; or
  • Violate Natrona County School District policies or Code of Conduct
The comment guidelines are subject to amendment or modification at any time. Comments or questions can also be submitted to [email protected] where they will be submitted to the appropriate District official for a response.