NCSD Weekly Board Expenditure Reports
The Natrona County School District understands and appreciates stakeholder interest regarding the use of taxpayer dollars for educational purposes. As a result of recent and valuable stakeholder feedback, we have found ways in which we can improve our transparency in regards to the sharing of credit card expenditures. We are working diligently with our Business Services Department to provide detailed information on expenses related to district credit card purchases. When a credit card statement is compiled the credit card company may designate a purchase under a certain vendor category such as entertainment, travel, etc. However, what the credit card statement may not identify is the educational purpose behind such an expense. (student field trip, professional development, classroom/educational supplies, etc.) We would like to share those additional details with interested stakeholders.
At the links below you will find Board Expenditure reports from the 2019-20 Academic Year through the current 2024-2025 Academic Year. These reports will be updated weekly after review and approval by the Board of Trustees.
We would like to thank our parents, guardians, media partners, and community members for their feedback and for providing us with this opportunity to improve.
Please contact [email protected] with any questions or feedback you may have.