Maintenance & Facilities » Reserve an NCSD Facility

Reserve an NCSD Facility

Beginning July 1, 2016, the Natrona County School District launched the updated facility use process and administrative regulations.  The process and regulations are for outside groups and individuals requesting to use Natrona County School District (NCSD) facilities and for employee wellness use of NCSD facilities.  The online application form, terms and conditions, and fee schedules are located on the NCSD Athletics/Activities website or below.
All completed facility use applications are now submitted to the District Athletics/Activities Department (not to the school(s) requested).  Submit the online application form and proof of liability insurance by mail, e-mail [email protected] within the online registration program, or hand deliver to the District Athletics/Activities office 970 N. Glenn Road, Room 128, Casper, WY 82601.
If there are outside groups or individuals currently (today) using indoor or outdoor NCSD facilities please have them contact the District Athletics/Activities office in order to reestablish their facility use under the terms and conditions of the new protocol.
If you have questions, please call the Athletics/Activities Department at 253-5460. We look forward to helping you with any questions you have regarding the implementation of the revised facility use protocol.
NCSD Employees: If you are using NCSD facilities for wellness purposes or personal use beyond your designated job duties, annually complete the Employee Facility Use Waiver form located on Employee Online Forms and have the principal or assistant principal at that facility approve your use of the facility by signing the waiver form.  A copy of the completed Employee Facility Use Waiver Form must also be sent to the District Athletics/Activities office.