Midwest Schools K-12

Phone: (307) 253-3500
Principal: Mike Brainard
Office Manager: Paula Chapman
Address: 256 Lewis, Midwest, 82643, PO Box 368, Midwest, 82643
Mission Statement: “Midwest School will create Opportunities for Individual Learning in an Engaging and Respectful Setting.”
Midwest School offers a 4-day school week. We are the only school in the district with preschool through 12th grades under one roof. The student population comes from every corner of Natrona County. Bus transportation is available to and from Midwest at several locations within the district.
Midwest School serves preschool through 12th grade students. The small student population allows for a high level of teacher-student interaction. Individual student needs are accommodated through Multi Tiered Systems of Support for academic and behavior needs. We support struggling readers with one on one and small group tutoring in math, placement in reading and math groups based on skill level, and a refocus room to help students learn appropriate behaviors and social skills. Our elementary curriculum includes a variety of reading resources, My Math, FOSS science kits, and supplemental materials to enhance these programs.
Midwest School serves preschool through 12th grade students. The small student population allows for a high level of teacher-student interaction. Individual student needs are accommodated through Multi Tiered Systems of Support for academic and behavior needs. We support struggling readers with one on one and small group tutoring in math, placement in reading and math groups based on skill level, and a refocus room to help students learn appropriate behaviors and social skills. Our elementary curriculum includes a variety of reading resources, My Math, FOSS science kits, and supplemental materials to enhance these programs.
At the secondary level a variety of instructional strategies are implemented to deepen skills learned. Struggling students receive additional support in the areas of math and reading based on state testing and teacher recommendation. Services and tutoring are also available for our English Language Learners (ELL) whose second language is English.
Midwest offers all classes necessary to meet high school graduation and Hathaway Scholarship requirements. Students can also take advantage of advanced courses through distance learning and BOCES classes for dual credit opportunities. Breakfast and lunch are cooked on-site and served daily.
Focus Fridays/Study Tables
We provide tutoring one Friday each month to support struggling students. Students with D's or F's are strongly encouraged to attend. In addition to the tutoring support we offer enrichment activities for any students who are interested. The tutoring and enrichment are held at school and run from 8:00 - 11:30 with breakfast being served. Transportation is provided for all students who normally ride the bus.
We also provide Study Tables after school two times a month from 4:00 - 6:30 for students who need extra support. Transportation is provided for students who stay for Study Tables.
A variety of extra-curricular activities are offered at the elementary level on Focus Fridays. Clubs are determined each year based on student interest. Elementary clubs may include Jr. Lego Robotics, Spelling Bee, and Reading Club.
Secondary students may have the opportunity to participate in after school homework lab/study tables, Student Council, National Honor Society, Yearbook, Robotics, Band/Chorale, and school newspaper.
The junior high athletic program includes grades 5, 6, 7, and 8. We are a member of the Powder River Conference, which takes our teams to the northern parts of Wyoming to compete. Pumper (JH Boys) athletics include 6 man football, basketball and track. Lady Pumper (JH Girls) athletics include volleyball, basketball, and track.
The high school athletic program includes grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. The high school teams participate in the 1A Northeast Conference. Our teams travel the state to compete. Oiler (HS Boys) athletics includes 6 man football, basketball, golf, and track. Lady Oiler (HS Girls) athletics includes volleyball, basketball, golf, and track.
Preschool is available at Midwest School. Students must be potty-trained and at least 3 years of age on or before August 1.
All students start class at 8:00 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m.