Natrona County Recreation Joint Powers Board » Natrona County Recreation Joint Powers Board

Natrona County Recreation Joint Powers Board

Natrona County Recreation Joint Powers Board
The Recreation Joint Powers Board supports recreation, education, and enrichment in Natrona County. The board, created in 2002, is a partnership between Natrona County, its municipalities, and the Natrona County School District. The five-person board is comprised of three NCSD trustees, one county commissioner, and one city council member from either Bar Nunn, Casper, Edgerton, Evansville, Midwest, or Mills. The board meets quarterly to hear grant requests for the use of the one-mill tax levied for recreational purposes in Natrona County.
Thirty percent of the tax income is managed by the Natrona County Recreation Joint Powers Board. This board uses the money to bestow grants on community organizations for recreational services, facilities, and activities.
The Recreation Joint Powers Board establishing documents are available through the links below.

Board Members

2024 Recreation Powers Board Members are:
Ray Catellier
NCSD Trustee
Rec Board Chair
Jim Milne
Natrona County Commissioner
Rec Board Member
Kyla Alvey
NCSD Trustee
Rec Board Member
Kevin Christopherson
NCSD Trustee
Rec Board Member
Ray Pacheco
Casper City Council, Vice-Mayor
Rec Board Member

NCRJP Board Meeting Dates and Location

The NCRJPB meets four times a year (once a quarter). The board's quarters are:
  • Quarter 1: January, February, March
  • Quarter 2: April, May, June
  • Quarter 3: July, August, September
  • Quarter 4: October, November, and December
Upcoming Meeting:
  • Friday, February 7th, 2024 - NCSD Central Services
    • Agenda
All meetings are scheduled to begin at 12 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
  • Friday, October 11th, 2024 - NCSD Central Services
  • Friday, August 23rd, 2024 - NCSD Central Services


As of July 1, 2014 (revised July 2016), the Natrona County Recreations Joint Powers Board has instituted new guidelines for grant applications.Please note that grants are only accepted from non-profit agencies.

For grant funding requests ranging from $1-$49,999:

  • No matching funds or in-kind donations are required for funding. However, if the requesting agency has any matching or in-kind donations, they are encouraged to disclose them on the new Attachment A form of the Grant Requesting Form.

For grant funding requests over $50,000:

  • Grant-requesting agencies are required to prove 25% of the total amount requested in matching funds or in-kind donations.
  • Grant requesting agencies will be required to fill out and submit the new Attachment A form of the Grant Requesting Form.

How to request funding

The Board will fund proposals from non-profit agencies that benefit the community of Natrona County, with a focus on the recreational needs of children and families.
Grant Request Packets:
The first step in requesting funding from the REC Board is to fill out and submit the Grant Request Packet, which can be found below:
The form is an interactive PDF and can either be completed electronically or by hand.
Please submit this form to:
Natrona County Recreation Joint Powers Board
c/o Tanya Southerland
970 N. Glenn Road
Casper, WY 82601
PLEASE NOTE: Only the Grant Request Form along with the requested one-page budget and Attachment A will be accepted. Please do not submit any other supporting documentation as it will not be reviewed or considered by the board.
The board does not accept Letters of Interest (LOIs). All requests must be made using the Grant Request Form. Any LOIs received will be returned to the requesting agency.
Full Grant Request:
Once your letter request has been reviewed by the board, they will decide if they want to hear a full grant request. You will be contacted at this time with the details of the full grant request requirements.

NCRJPB Meeting Minutes