Learning Through Leading: Southridge Superstars Learn Valuable Lessons from High School Student Leaders

Recognizing the importance of these values, Kelly Walsh High School students Kaisha Brown, Viviana Hernandez, and Samantha Pelton joined Southridge 5th graders for the 3rd Annual Lift Jr. event, sharing lessons on gratitude, effort, tolerance, leadership, and teamwork. Kaisha shared her enthusiasm for leadership, “I have always been passionate about pursuing leadership, and I think it starts young. Having the qualities of a leader makes you more confident in yourself and makes you more confident to make mistakes and try again.” 

Developing continued leadership skills for students of all ages, LIFT Jr. provides an excellent opportunity for growth, mentorship, community service, and, most importantly, fun. “I wanted to be a part of LIFT Jr. because I have always loved working with kids. I remember being in elementary school and getting to work with high school students, and I thought it was so cool to see those students and look to them as role models,” explained Viviana.

Through participation in LIFT Wyoming, Samantha recognized the impact these lessons can have on a student's future. She was grateful for the opportunity to help students prepare for their move to middle school, “ I remember how scared I was going into middle school and all the emotions running through my head. This program really helps get these 5th graders prepared for middle school and help them realize that they are capable of progressing, and even though it is scary, middle school will be great for them.”

Students wrapped up the two-day event with a service project aimed at spreading some kindness to others. Students painted blocks with encouraging words to be left around the community, focusing on sharing appreciation for firefighters, police officers, healthcare workers, and other local heroes!

Southridge Superstars shared reflections on their LIFT Jr. experience:

“My favorite thing I have learned so far is teamwork because we have done all these fun activities together. I think it is going to teach us to not fight with each other and work together to get through our problems.” ~ Korbin

“My favorite thing we have talked about is people failing but then getting back up to succeed. I am really into sports and that shows me in life that if I fail, I can just keep on going.” ~ Marlie

“What I have learned will help me be a better leader because we have talked about what qualities a leader should have and how to use those later in life.” ~Charlie

“I think what we are learning will teach us not to argue with each other because we are learning about teamwork.” ~Mckaley

Southridge Elementary is committed to building character through high expectations and modeling, creating a sense of community through family involvement and celebrations, and inspiring a passion for learning and academic growth.

Kelly Walsh High School is committed to preparing all students for their next step by creating high expectations, academic rigor, and personal responsibility.